The online news covers, for example, the progress of the most important permit processes. Official media releases related to the company's performance, production, financing arrangements and ownership are available here.
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Terrafame's Financial Review 2024 has been published
The Financial Review published today by the battery chemicals company Terrafame ...
Terrafame's energy management system has been certified
The globally recognized certification is an indication of Terrafame's ability for systematic operations and continuous improvement.
Terrafame closes areas already during production operations
Terrafame submitted a closure plan for areas where production will be discontinued to the Regional State Administrative Agency of Northern Finland at the end of December 2024. The comprehensive plan also includes modelling of the environmental impacts after production operations have ended.
Terrafame has received two permit decisions from the Vaasa Administrative Court
Terrafame on saanut Vaasan hallinto-oikeudelta kaksi lopullista päätöstä, joista toinen liittyy yhtiön koko toimintaa koskevaan ympäristö- ja vesitalouslupaan eli niin sanottuun päälupaan ja toinen sivukivialueeseen KL1.
Terrafame strengthened its sustainability foundation
Terrafame’s sustainability work is guided by the company's sustainability programme, which will be updated over the course of 2024.